Foodlink's Drought Disaster Response

Historian Elke Weesjes, a disaster researcher at the University of Colorado, and Melinda Laituri, a geography professor at Colorado State University who specializes in disaster management, point to the devastating effects of drought on the poor in this article originally published in June 2014 on the Community Water Center site. The situation has only worsened since.

At that time, Wheezes commented that “Drought doesn’t photograph well because the impact is very much hidden,” Weesjes says. “It’s translated into economic losses and whole communities are affected by drought."

Our driver Vince would probably agree with Wheezes. These are the images Vince captured yesterday while driving to Visalia to make Foodlink's latest delivery of disaster food boxes. They capture the starkness of the landscape in what some would see as just another sunny day in California.